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    How to choose solar road studs?
    Selecting solar road studs involves considering traffic conditions, visibility needs, and the efficiency of solar panels and LEDs. Assess the road's traffic volume and speed, opting for robust studs in high-traffic areas. Prioritize visibility during low-light or adverse weather with high-intensity LEDs. Ensure the solar panels and LEDs are of high quality for reliable performance. Check battery capacity for prolonged illumination and choose studs that are durable and weather-resistant to withstand various conditions. Evaluating these factors ensures the selection of solar road studs tailored to specific road requirements, promoting safety and visibility.
    How to choose reflective road studs?
    Select reflective road studs based on road conditions and visibility needs. Assess traffic volume, speed, and environmental factors. Choose studs with high-quality reflective materials for enhanced visibility. Consider durability and weather resistance for long-lasting performance. Prioritize reflective road studs that meet specific road requirements for optimal safety and visibility.
    How to install embedded solar road studs?
    To install embedded solar road studs, follow these steps: Prepare Surface: Ensure the road surface is clean and dry. Mark Placement: Mark the positions for studs, ensuring even spacing. Drill Holes: Drill holes according to marked positions. Apply Adhesive: Use epoxy adhesive in each hole. Insert Studs: Insert solar road studs into the holes, ensuring they're flush with the surface. Secure Studs: Allow adhesive to cure, securing the studs. Check Alignment: Ensure studs are aligned and level. Charge: Allow solar studs to charge in sunlight for optimal functionality. This ensures a secure, durable installation for reliable solar-powered road illumination.